Monday, October 17, 2016

Getting Started on YouTube - My Mistakes and Joys

For fun I wanted to post my very first ASMR video!  It is terrible but honestly, I hear the seeds of my later videos. 

I think if you listen and don't watch it isn't a bad first start.  I also wasn't sure I wanted to be on camera at this point so I purposely kept it very dark.

I am very proud of this video.  Not because it is good, it is not, but because I did it anyway.  

I had just found ASMR, was not very familiar with YouTube, and had no experience filming or in front of a camera but I jumped right in.  That may not be right for everyone but that is the way I learn.  

Here is my third video and I think it is much better because I focused on my strengths (massage and audio only).

It has taken a lot of trial and error for me to get even this far along on my journey but it really has been worth every minute. Just to hear from one listener that I helped them or their child sleep or relax, warms my heart.  

I encourage you to find something you think you might like and try it.  I insist you do it badly your first time through!  

Use that request as your incentive to start.  I dare you to make something as bad as my first video.  

Nothing has to be perfect the first time.  You can always discard it and tweak along the way until you are really creating something you are proud of.  

I watched many of my early videos this morning and I can hear and see where I was learning along the way and I am really proud of a few of them.  The ones that are really bad don't have as much of a sting a few years later, and I can chalk them up to experience and hide them.  

Making these videos got me through a tough time.  I was an older mom who had always worked.  I knew I wanted to be at home with my son. 

I managed to get a job where I worked from home but it was not the most fulfilling job.  So what! It allowed me to be with my son. 

Nevertheless, I was desperately missing a creative outlet that allowed me to feel I was helping others.  I am a Social Worker after all.  My time was very limited and I needed to find something I could sneak in without having to leave home. YouTube met that need for me and allowed me the added benefit of connecting with my wonderful Tribe.  

I hope you can find something that brings you this kind of joy.  Just try something!  If it sucks, is boring, too time consuming, etc., then shift gears.  Not everything will work out but maybe something will be wonderful.  

Don't sink a lot of money into it or a ton of training (unless you have that money or time to burn), just try it.  Find out if you love it before you commit, so there will be little regrets if it is not the right thing for you.  I am so happy I took this step and I hope you take your step too.  You will never know what is out there if you don't try.  

To look at what may be holding you back get the Free Shadow Work Journal:

I love you guys.  Thank you so much for all your support over the last four years!  I look forward to many more with you.

Jessica Cross