Friday, May 20, 2016

What are Your Intentions for this Full Moon? - Let Me Help you Decide!

Tomorrow is the Full Moon.  When using the Moon Cycles for Goal Setting, this is the time to solidify your desires and then release them.  The second half of the month you can gently work towards your goals but also take time to rest.   It is good to reflect on what you are currently grateful for in you life and start thinking of your goals for next month.  This is the time to focus on what your priorities are and then limit your energy to those areas.  After the Full Moon it is also important to spend plenty of time recharging your batteries.

Use this meditation to help you energize and finalize your goals.  Read through the meditation and then close you eyes and remember what you can.  It is not necessary that your meditation looks just like this one.  Let your own intuition guide your meditation.

Aztec Meditation

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  You are walking through a jungle.  It is a bit difficult to walk down the path.  The air is hot and humid.  This is a lot of noise in the air from animals.  The air is beginning to cool a bit as the sun is going down.  
Soon you reach a small oasis and there is a pool with a waterfall.  Walk towards an area in the grass near the pool.  Sit and join one of your guides in this clearing.  If this is a new guide you may ask for their name.  You hear the sound of the waterfall, it is small and makes a pleasant noise.  You recognize this is a sacred place used for healings and ritual for many years.  You have been granted special permission to use this place. 
At the top of the waterfall you see a staff with a large crystal at the top.  You notice that the sun, which is setting, will pass directly behind the staff at the top of the waterfall. 
As the sun dips a bit lower the crystal catches it’s light and sends the light down to your feet where you are sitting.  This light has a magenta glow and this is your connection to the earth, and the energy that comes from the ground; the ancient understanding that is deep within the earth.  You feel this energy like a spring entering your feet and send this light and energy through your whole body.  You feel connected to the earth and powerful. 
The sun continues to set and send this light to your hips.  It turns a red color.  It is as if a flower at this area opens all of its petals and releases its energy.  You feel the energy still coming from the earth and filling your body.  You feel secure and safe.
The light then moves higher to right below your belly button and turns an orange color.  The flower here also opens and releases your creativity and your strength to move down this path you have found.  
The light now moves up to the base of your ribs and turns a yellow color.  The flower opens and releases power and your ability to effect the world.  Feel in control and strong.
The light moves to your heart and turns a green color.  This flower opens and fills you with love for yourself and others.  You care deeply for those around you.
The light rises to your throat and turns a blue color.  The flower opens and fills your body with the ability to speak your truth.  You feel capable of setting boundaries with others and yourself.
The light now touches your forehead and turns a dark blue.  The flower opens and you are able to see not only what is in front of you but what you need to know that is not visible.  Your intuition will help guide you down your path.
The sun continues to set and the light reaches the top of your head and turns a violet color.  This flower opens and you feel this connection to the energy all around you running from your feet all through your body and connecting again through the top of your head.  Your body is balanced and whole.  
As the sun leaves your body it surrounds you in an egg of pink light  This brings you love and healing, and feels like a hug from the energies surrounding you.
You see the moon full in the sky.  It shines a silvery light down on your head and fills your body with peace and calm.  Before the sun dips below the horizon you feel the direct light from the sun filling you with excitement and passion.  You feel your heart quicken as the sun reminds you of the new opportunities all around you.  The light of the sun is guiding your forward to great things.
The clearing now becomes dark and you feel the universe all around you.  This dark connects you further to the energies that come from far away.  You feel as if you become transparent and you lose the clear edges of your body.  You meld into the energy all around you.  You look up and see the stars, and the stars send down their energy and fill you with limitless possibilities.  You are filled with glimpses of other opportunities available to you in life.  You feel peace and awakening.  You know that these energies are helping to guide you at all times.
I want you to feel the source energy that has surrounded you and filled you and send it back down into the earth.  You are pouring energy through you into the earth. 
Look into the pool of water lit by the moon in front of you.  What version of you do you see in the pool.  Does this vision offer you any guidance.  Ask your guide any questions you may have about this experience.  Thank your guide.
Take another deep breath and stand to walk out of the clearing.  Start to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

Now connect to the world with gentle movement.  Eating and drinking also helps to ground your physical body.  You should also note down your vision and see how that influences your goals.

The Full Soul Path E-Book is Free and can help you gain perspective on where you need to go.  Click here!  I would really appreciate honest review of this book on Amazon.  Have a wonderful Full Moon.

Take care,

Jessica Cross

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Easy Goal Setting - Relax and Ask -

Your activity for today is to write yourself a Christmas Letter.  What?!? It is the beginning of summer!  A Christmas letter is the best example of what I want you to write.  Do any of you still get Christmas Newsletters from families telling you how awesome they are?  They lay out all the amazing places they have gone and awards there children have won.  It is the amazing highlights of their year.  In the digital age we are often bombarded with these kinds of posts on Facebook year round!

Your letter to yourself is the same.  I want you to write a letter dated this time Next Year.  Detail all the awesome things that will happen over the coming year.  Set your sights high, but also keep them within the realm of possibility and things you could actually work on.  We generally over estimate what we can accomplish in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish in three years.  If you only meet half of the goals you write out, or only meet these goals half way, that is a lot farther than you are right now.  

Read over this letter every month, three months, or whenever feels right to you.  Remember this is a working document, so feel free to cross things out and add new things at any time.  Some people hesitate to set yearly goals because a year is a long time, and our priorities change.  It is still good to set those goals, but don't hesitate to alter them.

Now, read through this meditation.  Then close your eyes and remember what you can.  There is no need to worry if you can't remember it all.  Your meditation will go right where you need it to. 

Star Meditation

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.   You are walking outside at night; where are you?  It is dark but the stars are brilliantly bright.  It is a new moon so the light is from stars alone.  
Lay down on the ground.  Feel the light from the stars bathe your body.  This protective light covers you with peace and calm.  As you look up, a few of the stars seem to burn brighter than the others.  They may omit a comforting color or your eyes may just feel drawn to these stars.  One then seems to reach out stronger than the others. 
Focus on that star; soon you notice strings drifting down from each of the stars above.  Reach out to the string connected to the star you are drawn to.  This star is your current path.  Hold on to the string and you can ask the star any questions you have about the path you are on.  You can simply ask if this is the right path; if the answer is no, you may look to another star calling out to you.  You may choose a different path than the one you have been on up to this point.  
Do not feel afraid to attach to the stars.  At any time you can detach from this string and attach to a different star.  If you feel ready, you can attach this string to a reel that appears right above your heart.  This reel pulls the string little by little, bringing you farther down this path to your destiny.  Sometimes it will move so slowly it will seem to barely turn; and sometimes it will be as if you are racing towards this star.  As this star is pulled closer to you, so are all of the stars in the sky; so you are moving further down all possible paths.  Some stars are farther away, and some are so far you may not be able to see them yet, but you are always moving closer, so choosing another path is easy.  There are no mistakes, just clarifications of what we want.  We are constantly reeling in our destiny and we learn on any path we choose.
Ask for any clarification from your star.  When you have asked everything you need to ask, welcome this star into your life.  Thank the star for pulling you along on your journey.
When you feel ready, start to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.

Now roll your shoulders and then your neck and return to your body.  Do you have anything you need to add or remove from your letter?  Feel free to follow this meditation regularly to update your letter and make sure you are still focusing on your current priorities.

If you enjoy this meditation the full Soul Path EBook is available for FREE HERE!  Thank you so much for reading my blog and relaxing with me.

Take care,

Jessica Cross

Monday, May 16, 2016

Meet Your Spa Needs for FREE - ASMR and Meditation -

Many of us do not have the time or money for a Spa Vacation, Spa Day or sometimes even an hour for a massage or manicure.  As a Massage Therapist I try to practice what I preach, and get a massage once a month but I have have gone through phases when I did not have the finances or the time for this commitment.  As a result I learned to get my spa time virtually when the real thing is not an option.  

I have found that ASMR videos (for more on ASMR check out my website: Here) often fulfill my immediate relaxation needs and I specifically seek out spa related videos.  These help me to relax and care for myself.  

I also love the beautiful menus you receive at spas outlining the treatments available.  I dreamed of creating a virtual spa menu years ago and finally had enough videos to do so this year (Virtual Spa Click Here).  

Meditation is another way I have met my spa needs.  I have created a spa room in meditation that I can visit anytime I need to relax.  Read through this meditation and then create your own spa room.  The healing guides who help in those rooms are always fascinating.  They are also good to ask about what you might need to care for yourself physically right now.

SPA Meditation

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  Begin to walk down the lane toward a large house. Walk up to the door and enter this house.  As you enter take a deep breath and relax.  This is your place and you feel calm and serene.  Look around the entry way.   Near the back of the room you see a table with some items on it.  Walk towards the table and you see that there is an altar on the table.  Look at what is on the table.  Are there stones, candles, pictures, statues?  Right in the middle of your alter is a gift for you.  This gift is something you need right now.  Look closely at this item.  You can decide to take this item now or to retrieve it when you leave.  If you do not find a gift for you, pay attention throughout the week as something might appear.
Walk past the archway with your guides and you will come to shut door.  Look closely at this door, what color is it, what is it made of?  What does the handle look like?  When you are ready, open the door and walk into the room.  
This is your healing room and here you will receive physical and emotional healing.  What does this room look like?  Does it look medical or more like a spa?  Are there items for relaxation like a hot tub, steam room or sauna; is there medical equipment?  What is the flooring, what color are the walls?  See the room in detail.  In the middle of the room there will be an examining or massage table.  
Soon you are approached by one of your guides who was standing in the corner of this room.  This may be a guide you know or someone new.  This is your healer.   If this is a new guide to you, go ahead and ask their name.
Your guide asks you to lie down on the table.  Your guide will now give you a healing, based on what you need right now.  Do you need your chakras balanced, or your energies cleaned?  What procedure does your guide use?  It is generally something you have never seen before but it is the most effective way to heal you right now.  Does your heart need healing or your brain need awakening to new information?  Relax as your healer provides you with exactly what you need.   Thank your guide for helping you with this healing and know that you can return here at any time to rejuvenate your body and mind.
Leave this room and you can retrieve your gift from the altar, if you left it there earlier.  Look once more around the entry way and be grateful you have found this place that will always be here for you.  Open the front door and exit.  Smile, remembering the healing you have received and continue to walk down the path until you return to your physical body and open your eyes.

This is a good time to eat or drink something to return to your body.  Did your healer help you clarify what you need to do to care for yourself.  Take whatever you are given in meditation and if it is only a good feeling and/or colors, that is fine.  The visualizations will become clearer as you practice.  

If you are new to spa treatments you can also check out the Virtual Spa to get an idea of some of the options you would have at a spa.  This may help you visualize spa treatments in meditation.  I hope these help you relax and sleep well.

Take care,

Jessica Cross