Monday, December 12, 2016

Journal your Intentions

This is the last full moon of the year.  Over the next few weeks in the Northern Hemisphere we will move towards the shortest day of the year.  Then the energy will start slowly building again for us to push forward in the Spring.  It is time to start wrapping up the year and thinking of how we want to move forward.

Take some time for introspection to make sure you are heading in the right direction.  Read each question and write down the first few words that pop into your mind.  Then close your eyes.  

Take three deep breaths to focus on relaxing different parts of your body.  First your feet, then your legs, then your torso, arms, hands and end with your head.  Take three more deep breaths relaxing your whole body.

Now read the questions again and write down your thoughts about each question in more detail.

What do I want to happen next year?

What changes are you feeling in your body and mind?

What do I need to have happen next year?

What knowledge have I obtained this year?

Keep track of your answers in a physical or online journal so you can make sure you are on the right path.  Your plans may change along the way and that is fine, but it is always good to know where you came from.

If you want to delve deeper into this work, check out my two physical and Kindle journals on Amazon:

2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth - Click Here

A Year and a Day Journal: A Clear Vision - Click Here

Most Importantly take care of yourself and there is always support from me available - Just Ask 

Jessica Cross