Monday, September 19, 2016

Raven Guidance - Free Shadow Work Journal

Carl Jung described the Shadow as the unknown side of the personality. These unknown parts cause us to react to stress based on old feelings, not the current situation. 

The FREE Shadow Work Journal will help you to discover these part so they can no longer control your feelings. Imagine if you were able to see problems as interesting challenges rather than feeling overwhelming dread.  

What you will Learn

  • Learn to focus on the actual challenges of the moment rather than feelings from the past.
  • Start immediately and quickly get to the issues that are keeping you Stressed Out.
I created this journal for myself to uncover my own shadow so I know it works. This ebook focuses on activities and guided meditations as I find that is the easiest way to tap into the unconscious. I also wanted to enjoy the discovery process so I kept it simple and even lighthearted at parts. And it worked.

I use this program at least once a year to explore the issues that trouble me. Shadow Work is never done but each time you go deeper into your thoughts and beliefs that hold you back. This program is a great place to start with your Shadow Work and I encourage you to expand on it yourself each time you try this enlightening process.  

Try this Sample Meditation to see if the Shadow Work Journal is right for you.

Read through the meditation and then remember as much as you can letting your intuition guide you or listen to this meditation on Spotify (Jessica Cross).

Raven Meditation

Get comfortable sitting or lying down.  Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  Picture yourself walking through a forest.  Hear the sounds of leaves under your feet.  Smell the crisp air and the forest scents.  See the light of the sun filter through the trees as you walk on a path through the forest.  Soon you see a clearing ahead.  In this clearing there is a large tree the size of a small house. 

Near one root of the tree there appears to be an earthen staircase heading down into the ground.  Walk down this staircase and onto a path that leads through a tunnel, just light enough to see through from a few holes to the sunlight above.  Soon you enter a part of the tunnel that is darker, as there are no holes above and you seem to be sloping downwards.  This tunnel is soon lit by sunlight that seems to be coming from the end of the tunnel.  The end of the tunnel appears, and remarkably leads to a clearing within another forest.  You are now in the lower realm. 

As your eyes adjust to the sun you see a beautiful meadow surrounded by trees.  Look into the sky.  Does it look the same as the sky on the physical realm?  How does the sun look here?  Are there any other differences here from the land above?  

Soon you notice, to the side of the clearing, a large Raven standing on the ground.  It comes closer to you and you see that it has a piece of meat in its beak.  It looks directly at you and then turns its head towards the forest.  It hops a few feet away and then pauses.  It looks back at you as if waiting for you to follow; it then hops farther away and you do start to follow.  It begins to fly but stays low to the ground and allows you to keep up.  Raven leads you into the forest and after a short walk flies to a nest up in a tree.  The nest is about half way up the tree. 

You begin to climb the tree and find it much easier than you expected.  As you reach a limb across from the nest you see that the Raven is feeding the meat to her young.  You recognize that Raven will find sustenance from almost anywhere.  Raven is not squeamish, and has adapted to digest even the most unpalatable meal.  Raven has learned to survive where others could not.  
As you look at Raven you see the rainbow of colors reflected off her jet black wings.  She lets out a cry.  It is loud and not at all lovely.  Raven does not care if you like her cry.  Raven will call and sound alarms without concern for how she is received.  She calls again as if to reinforce this fact. 

At her third call she looks at you and raises her beak as if to indicate that it is your turn.  Reach for the branch above you and stand on the limb where you were sitting.  Think of something that you have needed to say but have been worried about how it would be received.  Is there a boundary you need to set or a truth you need to tell?  Take this time to shout that truth to the world.

Raven calls to you again, offering encouragement and raises her beak higher.  You feel strong as you climb up to the limb where you were holding on and stand.  Shout your truth again, or shout another truth you need to express.  Raven calls to you again and raises her beak.  You feel powerful as you climb one limb higher up the tree and stand.  Shout your truth to the world without worrying about the response, as it is the only voice you have.  Look out over the forest and see that no trees have toppled due to your words.  Breathe in the crisp air and feel the wind that still blows despite your truth.

Climb back down to Raven and thank her for her gift.  Climb down the tree and begin to walk back towards the clearing.  It is not far and you have no trouble finding your way.  Head for the tunnel and make your way back up to your realm. 

Think of your fears about speaking your truths.  Have they changed since meeting Raven?  They may change or continue to change throughout the week.

Rise and begin to walk back down the path through the forest.  Soon you begin to hear the sounds of the room where your physical body waits.  Start to wiggle your fingers and toes and feel where you are sitting or lying.  When you are ready, open your eyes.

Find a way to ground yourself and return to your physical body.  You can eat or drink something.  Feel your extra energy sinking into the earth.  Go outside and touch the ground with your feet and give your energy to a tree or other plant.  Physical exercise can also help return you to your body.  Find something that makes you feel connected to your body and the earth so you can go on with your day.


Journaling is another good way to ground yourself.  You get more from your meditation if you can process it by writing down what you learned or summarizing your meditation.  The connections will become clearer as you remember the experience.

If you are not a writer you can also collage (physical or digital), draw, paint, sculpt, or any medium that calls to you.  In deciding how to represent what you have learned in meditation you will gain a better understanding of your experience.

What did you learn?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you need to say?


What boundaries do you need to set?


For those of you who have to have your journals in physical form (I know, sometimes I need off the screen too) I did make this available on Amazon.  Unfortunately because of the paper and printing it will cost you $14.98 but here it is. Click Here!

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