Monday, December 5, 2016

Job Change Journal - Choose your Path

Are you looking to change the way you work?  This may be a new job, a promotion, a new project or a new way of looking at your current job.  Before you make any move it is important to think about the path you want to take and make sure your decision leads you in the right direction.  Consider each of the following before moving forward.

If you struggle to find the answers write down the first three words that occur to you and see how they influence your thoughts about the question.  If you are still struggling read the following brief meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Guided meditation can help you open up your mind so you can see the answers more clearly.

Take a few deep breaths. Find yourself sitting on a bench in front of a small pond with a fountain. Hear the sounds of the water and any animals in the area.  Smell the crisp air and the smell of the leaves on the ground.  Feel the cool air on your skin and the hard bench underneath you.  

Soon you hear the sounds of someone walking towards you.  This is one of your guides who has come to join you on the bench.  You can ask your guide if they have suggestions as to what needs to change to make you happier with your work.  You may also ask what the next step should be to help set you on the right path.  

Talk with your guide for as long as you need.  You may receive answers in words, thoughts, pictures, or just feelings.  Take what ever is given.  Thank your guide for their help and rise to walk around the pond.  Smell and feel the cool air again as you consider what you have learned.  

When you are ready to end, begin to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.

Now consider the questions below and I encourage you to write the answers in your journal.

What options are you refusing to see?

Does this change follow our beliefs of what is valuable in life?

What has to change even if that change scares you?

Can you take a step back to see the bigger problem that needs attention?

Where do you need to be more independent?

What do you hope to find after this change?

What are you trying to convince yourself will work out?

Does this change ask us to give too much or too little (of our skills, time, heart, dreams, values, etc.)?

I hope these questions have helped you to see if this change is a good fit for you.  I wish you the best of luck and commend you on trying to challenge yourself and move forward.  

If you enjoy this process and want more like this, check out my 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth. This Journal allows you to check in and make sure you are on the right path throughout the whole year.  

Take very good care of yourself,

Jessica Cross