Sunday, April 29, 2007

Busy week

This has been a busy massage week. We have had a lot of walk-ins and new referrals. Yesterday was fun because we had some walk-ins, and Angela (one of our hair stylists) and I did an exchange. So I got a fabulous hair cut and I gave her a massage late last night. We had a new massage therapist interested in a position at Thairapy which would be great. I could then have some massage exchanges. I had to pay for my massage today and that just isn't right.
I received a half day of treatments at a spa. After three 10 hour days I needed a day to relax and take care of myself. I was feeling like I was getting sick yesterday but today I feel totally revived. I need to practice what I preach and make sure I take a spa day at least 3-4 times a year. I try to get a massage at least once a month but I usually don't receive other body treatments. Today I got a steam and a body scrub with my massage. It was fantastic to have my big plan for the day to read magazines while I wait for my next treatment. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
Some one called the salon this week because they read this blog. That is awesome.
The end of the month is also a tough time for scheduling because most of our evaluations are done each month so when people cancel their evaluations I have to try and reschedule before the end of the month. Only one more day in the month then things should calm down a bit.

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