Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Dictionary Day

Welcome to change your mind meditation. I want you to find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. I want you to take a deep breath in to the count of four and release to the count of eight. Take a deep breath in to the count of four and exhale to the count of eight. One more inhale to the count of four and exhale to the count of eight.

Now I want you to even out your breathing and feel that breath coming in through your feet; filling your feet and as you exhale release any tension in your feet. Take a deep breath and in to your legs and release any tension you may hold in your legs. Take a deep breath into your torso and as you exhale release any anxiety you may hold in your stomach or in your back. Take a deep breath in to your arms and as you exhale release any tension in your shoulders and your hands and biceps. Take another deep breath into your head and your neck, and as you exhale release any tension you may hold in your forehead, jaw and the back of your neck.

I want you to think about a situation or person that is causing anxiety. Don’t put any judgment on it; just think about what it is. Now I want you think about whether you will remember that anxiety the year from now, six months from now, or three months from now. How important is that anxiety your life? Most likely you will not recollect it in a year at all. Now I want you to think about your fears with this anxiety. What is the worst thing that can happen based on this problem? If it surrounds a person and usually our anxiety surrounds how others will feel about; will our family be disappointed in us, will our boss be angry, will we be disappointed in ourselves? Picture yourself with that worst case scenario, imagine that your boss is yelling at you or your family is yelling at you, but while that’s going on you remain calm and composed. You know that anxiety and stress will not help you solve this problem. Remaining calm and serene does not negate the problem, it doesn’t diminish the problem but it makes you better able to handle it. You are better able to function without the cloud of anxiety and stress clouding your vision, clouding your decisions. Remember to relax. Worrying does not help us solve problems. It doesn’t prove that we take problem seriously; it just proves that we worry. I want you to feel that calm, in the midst of chaos around you. You are relaxed. You are clear. You are able to make helpful decisions without being overwhelmed. I want you to remember that feeling as you start to return to the room. Feel where you’re sitting or lying down. Hear the sounds around you. Smell and smells and one you feel comfortable you can open your eyes.

Thank you for taking this time today. Remember meditation changes your mind.

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