Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Where do you Need to Focus on a Retreat? -

Sometimes you just need to take a break from life and get some perspective.  When ensconced in our daily routine we have a hard time seeing the root of the issues we are struggling with and how to change them.  When we take a break from the ways we distract ourselves (television, books, radio and other people, etc.) we get a chance to gain a new perspective on everything.  This can be as easy as taking the 2-3 hours of TV most people watch in an evening, and instead sitting down with a journal or meditating.  

If it is that easy why don't we do this?  Because it is Hard!  We are tired and stressed and the last thing we want to do is try to problem solve.  That is why most of us think the only way to Retreat is to go on vacation.  It is often only after we have taken a few days to relax that we are able to look at what needs to change.  This is not the only way though.  

One of the reasons I love Question Centered Guided Meditation is that it allows you to relax and feel refreshed first before starting to problem solve.  I always look forward to these types of meditations even if I know I have a difficult problem to examine.  I feel relaxed and rejuvenated as I consider what changes need to me made.  Try this simple meditation below and make sure to have a journal nearby to write down what you learn.  Continuing to examine what you learn through journaling is a good way to extend your Retreat time while you are still relaxed.  

If you have additional time or want to delve deeper into the issue, move on to the next blog post with more meditation prompts.  Add these mini retreats in regularly to help you relieve stress and grow.  Read the following meditation and then close your eye and remember what you can.  Let your meditation unfold the way you need it to and don't worry if it differs from this prompt.

A Personal Journey

Take a deep breath, get comfortable and close your eyes.   You see a stone door in front of you.  Is it ornate or plain?  The door will not be easy to move but you have prepared well for this transition. 
One of your guides is here waiting for you.  If this is a new guide you may ask their name.  Before moving forward, is there anything you are ready to leave behind before crossing over this threshold?  Thoughts, beliefs, and burdens may appear as spheres of light that you can hand over to your guide or place down on the ground outside of the doorway.
Now reach for the door.  It will be difficult to open but you have the strength to move forward.  Use all of your might to open the door wide open.  Walk through the doorway and head down a cobble stone path through a darkened garden.  The moon is lighting your way, but much is in darkness; there is much to learn here and many mysteries.  
Explore this garden, although all is not clear, you are not afraid.  What is there to learn in this place? 
When you have explored as much as you would like, find a comfortable place to sit down.  You will not go back to the doorway where you began, as you have moved on from that place.  
As you sit, you being to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

Now write down what you learned in a journal or drawing.  If you are done with your retreat, eat or drink something to return to your body.  

I hope to Journey with you again soon.

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Take care,

Jessica Cross

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