Monday, March 27, 2017

Where do I go Now?

Are you feeling any changes after the equinox?  I always begin to feel more energy and focus at this time.  Use this meditation to help with this transition.  Read through the meditation and then close your eyes and follow your own meditation path.

Post Equinox Meditation

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.  Find yourself standing in front of and arch leading down a dark tunnel.  What does the arch look like?  What is it made of?  Touch it and feel the texture and the temperature of this arch.  How do you feel when you look down this tunnel?  Are you nervous or excited?

You see a glimmer of light farther down the tunnel and this makes you feel more comfortable heading down this path.  Step into the tunnel and as your eyes adjust to the dark you notice that it isn't completely dark.  The walks seem to glisten and reflect back the light from farther down the tunnel.  What is the temperature in the tunnel?  How do you feel walking through this space?  What do you anticipate you will find at the other end. 

You begin to see the light get brighter and find yourself nearing the end of the tunnel.  Before leaving the tunnel for the bright light at the other end, savor the last few minutes in the tunnel.  Take some deep breaths in this space and think about how you feel in this environment. 
When you feel ready walk out into the bright light on the other end of the tunnel.  What does this place look like? Is it what you expected? What surrounds you and how do you feel in this place.  You find that a few guides are waiting to greet you here.  They are very happy to see you.

Have a seat with them and ask them a few question about this place and what you are meant to learn here.  Take whatever responses you receive from your guides although the answers may not be totally clear.  Thank your guides for their help. 

Walk around this place and feel the difference after the tunnel.  Think about what you would like to have different in your life.  You may even ask your guides about this and how to make these changes. 

Take as much time as you would like in the place and enjoy the feeling it gives you.  When you feel ready to return to your physical body begin to hear the sounds in the room where you meditate.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

Take some time to write down what you learned in meditation.  This will help you to process and gain more from what was given.

How did you feel in the tunnel?

How did you feel when you left the tunnel?

What information did your guides give you?

What have you been unwilling to change?

What are you willing to give up to make a new path for yourself?

Thank you so much for taking this Journey with me.

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