Monday, April 17, 2017

How do You Want to Feel?

What change are you looking for in your life?  I think the first step to change is taking time for contemplation.  This may be the most important step and it is often overlooked.  Before you take action, you need to know where you want to go. 
How do you want to feel going forward?  Without knowing this you will head in the wrong direction.  When you do start taking actions, baby steps may be best.  This allows you to continue your contemplation and make small changes in direction before heading off full steam ahead. 

Take some time with this meditation to consider how you want to feel and then consider the first steps to move forward. Read through the meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Let your meditation go in whatever direction you need.

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.  Find yourself looking across a bay with a beautiful mountain on the other side.  Feel your feet in the sand of the beach.  Feel the warmth of the air around you.  Walk towards the water and let it wet your feet.  Feel the warm water on your toes.  Smell the salt in the air.

Walk along the edge of the water feeling your feet sink into the sand. See the palm trees sway around you.  Off to one side of the beach, you see two palm trees with a hammock hanging between them.  You can’t resist a relaxing break in the shade. 

Walk over to the hammock and sit down looking out towards the beautiful scene all around you. 
Soon you hear someone running through the sand.  You look over and a child comes running over to the hammock.  Laughing, they climb in with you.

Ask for their name.  Ask why they have come for a visit.  Take whatever is given.  It may be words or thoughts, pictures or feelings.  Ask your friend how you can bring more of what you want to feel into your life.

You begin to want to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and rise from the hammock.  You ask your friend to join you as you walk along the beach.  Watch your friend as they skip and play along the beach.  They make such fun out of something as simple as a walk. 

Stop and stand still for a moment.  Close your eyes and feel the warmth of the sun fill up your body from your toes all the way to the top of your head.  The sun gives you energy and vitality and you feel full with this sensation. 

Your friend comes running back to you and say they have a gift for you.  Take what they give and thank them.  Ask if they need anything from you and if you can, provide it.  Thank your friend again and wish them goodbye.  Your friend runs off down the beach.

Stand in the sun for a few more minutes enjoying the peace and the warmth. 

When you are ready, hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you are done, open your eyes.

How did you feel in this meditation?

How do you want to feel going forward in your life?

What is the first tiny step you can take to feeling this way more today (even just for 5 minutes)?

What gift did your friend give you and does this have any meaning for you?

Where in your life do you need more energy and vitality?

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