Monday, September 18, 2017

New Moon Shadow Work Guided Meditation

We are just starting to edge into the autumn and I am already hearing the knock of Shadow Work. For those of you are new to Shadow Work, it is a way of looking at the aspects of yourself that you try to keep hidden. These can often keep you from moving forward.

For more information on Shadow Work, you can download my free Shadow Work Journal (it is also available in hard copy if you would prefer). CLICK HERE

Use this meditation to begin looking at your shadow and see what information you receive.

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. See the darkness in front of your eyes. How do you feel in the dark? What sensations do you have in the dark place?

Feel a presence near you. They are also dark and clouded. They are a guide who has come to lead you into your shadow. They are not a light and happy guide but you do not feel afraid of them. They are there to help you.

Move with your guide further into the shadow. In a small crevice, you come upon a being. This being is an uncomfortable feeling you have been having lately. What is that feeling? Where does that feeling arise from?

Can you reach out to this feeling without judgments? Can you see it as a part of you and embrace it? This feeling is a culmination of many experiences in your life and is not something you need to push away. Do not suffer because you feel this way, accept that this feeling will come and go. Understanding where the feeling comes from may help you have compassion for yourself in feeling this way.

Just sit with this feeling for a while and acknowledge it. Make friends with your feeling.

Does this time just sitting with your feeling and examining it give you a hint on what would calm this feeling? What would make you feel more comfortable? Give a final hug to this being and join your guide again.

If you feel like you have the energy you can follow your guide to visit another feeling. If not, you have done enough for now and allow yourself to return to your physical body. Hear the sounds around your physical body. Wiggle your fingers and toes and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

To explore deeper think about or write down answers to the following questions:
What feeling did you visit?

How did it feel to sit with this being?

Did you gain any insights into this feeling?

Are there any changes you could make to calm this feeling?

For more meditations visit my Spotify page for free relaxation recordings: CLICK HERE

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