Monday, November 6, 2017

Taurus Full Moon Meditation - Shadow Work #4

We have come to the halfway point in our Shadow Work for this season.  How are you holding up?  It can take a lot out of you to delve this deep into the things you haven’t wanted to see. 

Make sure to take good care of yourself.  Factor in at least a half-hour of true relaxation (not TV, alcohol, drugs or other means of escape) every few days.  I know that can be tough, I’m a working mom, but you have to carve out the time in your schedule or months will go by and you will wear out. 

Self-care is especially important when you are doing Shadow Work. You need to refuel. Even if it just means a cup of coffee or tea when you don’t look at a screen or a book, or talk to anyone.  Just let yourself be.

This is not an easy meditation, so that is, even more reason to make sure your tank is full before starting.  Read through the meditation and when you are ready, close your eyes.  Remember what you can of the meditation but also allow yourself to follow your own path.

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.  Find yourself standing in front of a wall of vines.  Each vine is the thickness of an arm and they are covered with thorns.  The wall surrounds a tunnel made of these vines.  The vines create an archway in front of you that you can enter.

The tunnel is menacing with all the thorns but you know you must enter.  Steel yourself, and when you are ready, enter the tunnel. 

You are occasionally scraped by thorns as you proceed.  It stings a bit but it is not too bad.  Continue to move forward. 

Focus on the beauty of the green vines around you.  Ignore the rare discomfort of the scrapes.  See the sunlight through the vines and the green glow they send through the tunnel. 

You find that your clothes are occasionally torn by the thorns.  Small pieces of fabric are ripped away.  Let them go.  You begin to feel cleansed by your trial through the tunnel of thorns. 

This tunnel is long.  Eventually, you see some brighter light and you are almost sad the ordeal is coming to an end.  You feel lighter and refreshed by the process you have undergone. 

You exit the tunnel into a bare meadow.  The sun beats down hard onto the ground.  You lay down on the grass to recover. 

Feel the lightness and clarity of this experience.  Now that it is gone, can you identify some of what was cleansed away from the tunnel?  What did you need to let go of?  What were you unwilling to part with easily?  Are you willing to bear the pain for the clarity it has unveiled? 

Don’t grasp onto the things you have released or you may draw them back to you. Just identify them and try not to connect too many emotions on to them.  Take a few more deep breaths and enjoy this feeling of renewal. 

When you are ready begin to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes. Open your eyes.

Take some time to journal or choose tarot or oracle cards on the following questions to gain more insights.

1 – What do you need to let go of?

2 – Are you strong enough to withstand the pain of letting go?

3 – What can help you cope with the pain?

Get the Shadow Work Meditation book on Amazon.

Take Care,

Jessica Cross

Free meditation recordings on Spotify: CLICK HERE

Journals on Amazon: Click Here

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