Monday, May 16, 2016

Meet Your Spa Needs for FREE - ASMR and Meditation -

Many of us do not have the time or money for a Spa Vacation, Spa Day or sometimes even an hour for a massage or manicure.  As a Massage Therapist I try to practice what I preach, and get a massage once a month but I have have gone through phases when I did not have the finances or the time for this commitment.  As a result I learned to get my spa time virtually when the real thing is not an option.  

I have found that ASMR videos (for more on ASMR check out my website: Here) often fulfill my immediate relaxation needs and I specifically seek out spa related videos.  These help me to relax and care for myself.  

I also love the beautiful menus you receive at spas outlining the treatments available.  I dreamed of creating a virtual spa menu years ago and finally had enough videos to do so this year (Virtual Spa Click Here).  

Meditation is another way I have met my spa needs.  I have created a spa room in meditation that I can visit anytime I need to relax.  Read through this meditation and then create your own spa room.  The healing guides who help in those rooms are always fascinating.  They are also good to ask about what you might need to care for yourself physically right now.

SPA Meditation

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  Begin to walk down the lane toward a large house. Walk up to the door and enter this house.  As you enter take a deep breath and relax.  This is your place and you feel calm and serene.  Look around the entry way.   Near the back of the room you see a table with some items on it.  Walk towards the table and you see that there is an altar on the table.  Look at what is on the table.  Are there stones, candles, pictures, statues?  Right in the middle of your alter is a gift for you.  This gift is something you need right now.  Look closely at this item.  You can decide to take this item now or to retrieve it when you leave.  If you do not find a gift for you, pay attention throughout the week as something might appear.
Walk past the archway with your guides and you will come to shut door.  Look closely at this door, what color is it, what is it made of?  What does the handle look like?  When you are ready, open the door and walk into the room.  
This is your healing room and here you will receive physical and emotional healing.  What does this room look like?  Does it look medical or more like a spa?  Are there items for relaxation like a hot tub, steam room or sauna; is there medical equipment?  What is the flooring, what color are the walls?  See the room in detail.  In the middle of the room there will be an examining or massage table.  
Soon you are approached by one of your guides who was standing in the corner of this room.  This may be a guide you know or someone new.  This is your healer.   If this is a new guide to you, go ahead and ask their name.
Your guide asks you to lie down on the table.  Your guide will now give you a healing, based on what you need right now.  Do you need your chakras balanced, or your energies cleaned?  What procedure does your guide use?  It is generally something you have never seen before but it is the most effective way to heal you right now.  Does your heart need healing or your brain need awakening to new information?  Relax as your healer provides you with exactly what you need.   Thank your guide for helping you with this healing and know that you can return here at any time to rejuvenate your body and mind.
Leave this room and you can retrieve your gift from the altar, if you left it there earlier.  Look once more around the entry way and be grateful you have found this place that will always be here for you.  Open the front door and exit.  Smile, remembering the healing you have received and continue to walk down the path until you return to your physical body and open your eyes.

This is a good time to eat or drink something to return to your body.  Did your healer help you clarify what you need to do to care for yourself.  Take whatever you are given in meditation and if it is only a good feeling and/or colors, that is fine.  The visualizations will become clearer as you practice.  

If you are new to spa treatments you can also check out the Virtual Spa to get an idea of some of the options you would have at a spa.  This may help you visualize spa treatments in meditation.  I hope these help you relax and sleep well.

Take care,

Jessica Cross

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