Friday, April 29, 2016

Guided Meditation is Easy, Take what is Given -

So, Gandalf showed up as a guide in your meditation and you feel Stupid.  So What?!  In another Guided Meditation you find yourself in a scene you know is from a movie, TV show or book.  Don’t shake your head and start over so you can have a “real” meditation.  Guided meditation often teaches through Archetypes and symbols.  If those characters or scenes appear it is because they have some meaning to you. Your job is to figure out what that meaning is, either in the meditation, or when you think or journal about it later.

Why would your brain, create a guide you have never met if someone from “Game of Thrones” perfectly epitomizes the characteristics you need in that teacher?  What a waste of time.  

I say this from experience.  One of my first guides presented himself as “Merlin.”  He didn’t look like “Merlin,” so every time he would appear in meditation I would say, “Merlin, really?”  He would tell me to shut up and go on to teach me what I needed to learn.  I kept this a secret when I meditated with others and felt ridiculous.  I eventually figured out that I needed that guide to be someone more powerful and knowledgeable than I was.  Once I got it, he changed his name (to Eric none the less).  I realized that Eric was just a more creative side of me, but at first I couldn’t learn what I needed to from Eric, it had to be “Merlin.”  

Don’t miss out on what you can learn in guided meditation because what you receive doesn’t meet your expectations.  Meditation is not supposed to look or feel any specific way.  It isn’t supposed to be like My meditations, it is supposed to be like Yours.  

Enjoy this visualization below.  Read the prompt and then close your eyes and remember what you can, but most importantly, let your meditation go where you need it to go.  If you forget part of the meditation and go somewhere else, that is exactly where you were supposed to go!

Take a deep breath in and relax.  Close your eyes and picture yourself walking down a path with me.  Notice what the path is made of.  The area around the path may still seem cloudy.  It is almost as if we are walking on a pathway surrounded by fog, but this will become clearer over time.  Up ahead you see a building the path leads too.  Just seeing this building makes your heart leap as you know you are home.  This is a place you have built to learn and grow.  Look closely at this building.  It may change over time but for right now you want a clear picture of how it currently looks.  How high is it?  How wide is it?  What is it made of?  As we walk you feel as if the building is pulling you towards it.  It has been waiting for you for a long time.

Soon we approach a door.  What does it look like?  What is its size, color, shape?  What is it made of?  Look closely at the doorknob and know you will pass through this door many times.  Knowing that your life will change by entering this building, I want you to take the doorknob and open the door.  Walk across the threshold with reverence, taking this step into a new life.

You walk into a large entryway or foyer.  There are many doors leading off of the foyer.  Some are shut, some are partially open and some are open archways.  Know that there is space for many rooms in this building.  There may also be a staircase up to another level.  What do the walls look like?  How do you feel in this space?  What is on the floor; stone, wood, tile, carpeting?  Is there any furniture in the room?   What are you drawn to in this room?  How does the room smell?  How does the space sound?  Is it cavernous or muted?  Take it in and know you will visit here many times.

I want you to walk towards an open archway.  You can hear some noise from this room.  This room is populated with all of your guides.  Your guides may be animals, people, angels, gods, ancestors or even other versions of yourself; not just older or younger versions of you but versions that made different decisions or have lived in different circumstances.  They are all there to grant you wisdom in the areas that you can’t see clearly.  

This room may be a dining room with a table where they all sit, a living room, or a library.  This is a place where you feel comfortable and a place with lots of seating to make your guides comfortable.  I want you to take a simple question.  I would start with “What do I need to know right now?”  This is a good question to ask you guides each day if you don’t have a specific concern.  

Approach one of your guides and ask this question.  They may answer in thoughts, feelings, pictures, words, or they may write something down.  See what they tell you and take it in any form given.   You may approach other guide and ask them as well.

When you only have a small amount of time you can ask just one guide.  It is helpful if you can carve out the time each day to ask all of your guides this question to help you navigate the day.  Different guides often influence different areas of your life, so their answers may relate to that area of your life and give you specific guidance.  Know your guides are always here for you though they may change.  Guides may leave as you have learned their lessons and new guides may join the group.  You may have some guides in the shadows that you have not met yet and may hesitate to approach. 

I want you to take another good look around this room.  How does this room make you feel?  Are you anxious around your guides?  If you are anxious around your guides a good question to ask is “Do you love me unconditionally?”  Your true guides all love you unconditionally.  Like any relationship, the more time you spend with your guides the more comfortable you will feel with them.    They are always there to help.

Know that this room may also alter over time and that is ok.  You will build your temple to give you just what you need when you need it.  Allow yourself to make these changes.  Thank your guides.  They love visiting with you and having a place where they can all be together.  

Leave this room taking one last look at the foyer and exit the front door of your temple.  Walk down the path again and turn around to look at your temple.  I want you to smile looking at this place you have created.  Continue to walk down the path with me away from your temple.  I want you to hear the sounds in the room where your physical body is.  Feel where you are sitting or lying down.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you are ready open your eyes.

After each meditation find a way to ground yourself and return to your physical body.  You can eat or drink something.  Feel your extra energy sinking into the earth.  Go outside and touch the ground with your feet and give your energy to a tree or other plant.  Physical exercise can also help return you to your body.  Find something that makes you feel connected to your body and the earth so you can go on with your day.

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I hope to journey with you again soon,

Jessica Cross

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