Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Do you Need to Relax? - Zenvigorate

Stress is something we all share.  It is impossible to remove stress from our live and sometimes it is something we need to push us forward.  The problem is, that our stress response has been conditioned to far outweigh the actual circumstance that is causing us stress. 

What does that mean?  When faced with a stressor, our body creates chemical reactions that prepare us for fighting or running away from a predator.  Our body conserves energy and sends that energy to the areas needed for fight or flight; heart beat speeds up, digestive system slows down, and you get a shot of adrenaline.  Lots of other physical changes happen too that throw your body off from its normal functioning state. 

If you are an anxious person, imagine how often this happens in a day; alarm clock goes off, stuck in traffic, 100 emails in your inbox, the boss calls an unexpected meeting and you are sure it is bad news, too much work to take a real lunch, upset customer or client call, stressful gossip or conversation about the news with a colleague, traffic on the drive home, house needs cleaning, dinner needs to be made, too tired to exercise and feel guilty, watch a drama filled TV show…  That doesn’t even throw in children or partners.  For most of us this is a pretty normal, “low stress” day.  Now maybe not all of these stress you out or you don’t experience them each day, but I bet you have your own stressors that crop up regularly.  We also have crisis and happy but major life changes (move, wedding, childbirth, etc.) that can weigh on us for weeks or months at a time.

No wonder we are all exhausted.  How can you move forward towards your goals if you can't relieve some of this stress.  While I can't counsel you individually on how to remove stressors I can teach you the techniques that I use for myself and with my clients over the past 20 years to relieve some of that stress after it has built up.  Join me for the Stress Reduction Workshop - Zen-vigorate to receive 7 weeks of stress reduction training.  The doors will shut on signing up at Noon on Friday, September 16th before the first live Google Hangout.  We have already started getting to know one another in the Private Facebook group and discussing the opening meditation and PDF so join us now to make the most of this program.  I hope to get to relax with you the next few months.  Find Out More

Zenvigorate is $49 for 7 weeks of relaxation - Save my Seat Now!

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