Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Meditation for Transformation

Picture by Joshua Damasio 

Sometimes we need a major change in our lives and sometimes we just need some guidance to continue following the path we are on.  Consider the following questions and write down the first ideas that pop into your head.  

What is the situation you are facing?

What are your dreams telling you about the what you need to change?

What opportunities are available?

Have you learned the lesson of this situation?

What do you need to watch out for?

How can you honor what is most important to you in your decision?

Now try the guided meditation for additional insight.  Read through the meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Let your meditation unfold in anyway you need it to.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Find yourself standing in front of a pond.  The sun is slowly setting and the sky is a beautiful purple color.  Watch as the sun set and turns the pond into a mirror which reflects the sky.  

To your left is a small wooden bridge.  Approach the bridge and begin to walk to the middle of the bridge.  When you reach the middle, look over the railing into the pond.  See the sky, stars and the moon reflected in the pond.  

Think of a question you have been wanting to ask the universe. Look up into the sky and send your thoughts with this question up to the moon and the stars.  

Now, look back down at the pond.  Feel a breeze that blows by and stirs the water of the pond.  As the water settles it no longer reflects the sky but begins to show you pictures. These picture may answer your question, or provide you some insight on what would be a better question.  

Send your thanks for whatever you receive. Now you can decide if you want to return to the side of the bridge where you entered with your new information.  The alternative, is to prepare for a major transition in you life and cross to the other side of the bridge.  The decision is up to you and either decision is fine.  

Once you return to the edge of the pond, walk away from the bridge. Look back one last time at the lake.  Send your gratitude for all you have and everything good that will come to you in the future.  

Begin to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes and when you are ready open your eyes.  

Now write down what you learned from the meditation.  Return to each question and consider it again.  Write down any further thoughts you have on each question.  Allow yourself to think on the questions over the week and see if you have further thoughts or receive any insights through dreams.

Congratulate yourself for taking this time to decide how to move forward rather than just let life happen around you.  If you want more support join us in my private journaling Facebook group: Click Here

If you want a guide to help you consider these kinds of questions all year long, the 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth is available on Amazon for guidance all year.

Take good care of yourself, Jessica Cross

Monday, December 19, 2016

Start Something New

We are leading up to Yule, the Summer Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  I like to use this time to consider what new lights are being born inside me and what darkness I am ready to let go of.  

Read through each of the questions.  You may want to copy them into an online journal or a physical journal, especially since you may need to take some time before you answer the the first one.  

Write down your initial reaction to each of the questions without passing judgement on your answer. Then take some deep breaths and some time to relax or meditate. If you want to get in the spirit of Yule, you can watch National Firewood Night on SlowTV on Netflix (seriously it is a thing, 6 hours of a fire burning and talking about fire).  Then return to the questions and add the new thoughts that come to you in this relaxed state.

What guidance are your dreams giving you? (you may need to pay attention this week to answer this one)

Where are you stagnating?

What good is building in your life?

Where can you ask for help?

What is keeping you from following your dreams?

Where are you giving away your power?

Holidays can be a tough time, so take some extra time to care for yourself.  Sending you love,
Jessica Cross

If you want to delve deeper into this work, check out my two journals on Amazon:

2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth - Click Here

A Year and a Day Journal: A Clear Vision - Click Here

Monday, December 12, 2016

Journal your Intentions

This is the last full moon of the year.  Over the next few weeks in the Northern Hemisphere we will move towards the shortest day of the year.  Then the energy will start slowly building again for us to push forward in the Spring.  It is time to start wrapping up the year and thinking of how we want to move forward.

Take some time for introspection to make sure you are heading in the right direction.  Read each question and write down the first few words that pop into your mind.  Then close your eyes.  

Take three deep breaths to focus on relaxing different parts of your body.  First your feet, then your legs, then your torso, arms, hands and end with your head.  Take three more deep breaths relaxing your whole body.

Now read the questions again and write down your thoughts about each question in more detail.

What do I want to happen next year?

What changes are you feeling in your body and mind?

What do I need to have happen next year?

What knowledge have I obtained this year?

Keep track of your answers in a physical or online journal so you can make sure you are on the right path.  Your plans may change along the way and that is fine, but it is always good to know where you came from.

If you want to delve deeper into this work, check out my two physical and Kindle journals on Amazon:

2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth - Click Here

A Year and a Day Journal: A Clear Vision - Click Here

Most Importantly take care of yourself and there is always support from me available - Just Ask 

Jessica Cross

Monday, December 5, 2016

Job Change Journal - Choose your Path

Are you looking to change the way you work?  This may be a new job, a promotion, a new project or a new way of looking at your current job.  Before you make any move it is important to think about the path you want to take and make sure your decision leads you in the right direction.  Consider each of the following before moving forward.

If you struggle to find the answers write down the first three words that occur to you and see how they influence your thoughts about the question.  If you are still struggling read the following brief meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Guided meditation can help you open up your mind so you can see the answers more clearly.

Take a few deep breaths. Find yourself sitting on a bench in front of a small pond with a fountain. Hear the sounds of the water and any animals in the area.  Smell the crisp air and the smell of the leaves on the ground.  Feel the cool air on your skin and the hard bench underneath you.  

Soon you hear the sounds of someone walking towards you.  This is one of your guides who has come to join you on the bench.  You can ask your guide if they have suggestions as to what needs to change to make you happier with your work.  You may also ask what the next step should be to help set you on the right path.  

Talk with your guide for as long as you need.  You may receive answers in words, thoughts, pictures, or just feelings.  Take what ever is given.  Thank your guide for their help and rise to walk around the pond.  Smell and feel the cool air again as you consider what you have learned.  

When you are ready to end, begin to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.

Now consider the questions below and I encourage you to write the answers in your journal.

What options are you refusing to see?

Does this change follow our beliefs of what is valuable in life?

What has to change even if that change scares you?

Can you take a step back to see the bigger problem that needs attention?

Where do you need to be more independent?

What do you hope to find after this change?

What are you trying to convince yourself will work out?

Does this change ask us to give too much or too little (of our skills, time, heart, dreams, values, etc.)?

I hope these questions have helped you to see if this change is a good fit for you.  I wish you the best of luck and commend you on trying to challenge yourself and move forward.  

If you enjoy this process and want more like this, check out my 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth. This Journal allows you to check in and make sure you are on the right path throughout the whole year.  

Take very good care of yourself,

Jessica Cross

Monday, November 28, 2016

December Guide 2016 - Set Boundaries

Time to break out the Yule log!  It is the most wonderful time of the year...right?

Well, based on my years counseling, not so much for most of us.  Now, I am not a Grinch and I actually love the holidays but that was not always the case.  I love the holidays because I have crafted holidays that I love.  Here are some of the boundaries I have put in place to bring the joy back to the holidays for me.

I see family - but not for too long or too many of them at once.

I give presents - but only to kids (with a few poor college students thrown in), and my Mother-in-Law, who used to fill everyone else's stocking but nobody filled hers.

I decorate - but only what can be done in an afternoon and disassembled in the same amount of time.

I don't try to keep up with the Jones' and I don't try to meet others expectations (no Holiday cards, no big Thanksgiving dinner made from scratch, no extravagant gifts).  There may be some people in my family who consider this Scrooge-like but it allows me to enjoy the holidays and the people I spend them with (including those that may think I'm stingy or lazy).

What boundaries do you need to set?

Who's expectations are you trying to meet?

What can you let go of this Holiday season?

Acknowledge that even if you love them, the holidays can be hard.  You need to schedule in extra self-care time and know that not everything will be perfect.

Pay attention to the energies and work when you feel inspired and relax when you feel overwhelmed.




Don’t wait to decide


Find the root cause of issue.


Don’t expect others to fix this.


Rebuild with a new perspective.


Help is available.


This is a good partnership.


There is a choice to be made.


See the light at the end of the tunnel.


Adapt to this change.


Follow what you feel is right.


Look for a new opportunity.


Accept what can’t be changed.


Take a step back from action.


Consider your options.


Find the grey area.


You can’t do everything.


Take one step at a time.


Expect the unexpected.


Reassess what you want.


There is an easy way out.


It is not as bad as you thought.


Give yourself time to recover.


Have gratitude for what you are given.


Open to a new communication.


Time to change plans.


Let it go and don’t obsess.


Look ahead to what you want.


Not your circus, not your monkeys.


Things will become clearer soon.


Reward yourself for perseverance.


Choose your own route.


If you need reminders like this all year long or know someone who does, consider checking out a preview of my 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth.

Take good care of yourself this season,

Jessica Cross

Monday, November 21, 2016

Clear Your Path - Journal Prompts

It is time to look at what may be holding you back.  Take just a few moments to consider the following questions and identify what obstacles may be in your way.  Begin to problem solve about how to clear your path and move in the right direction.

Begin by writing down the first thing that comes into your mind without judging what you write. Then dig deeper into what you wrote to find the meaning behind your initial thoughts.  Allow that your initial response may be symbolic rather than literal.

If you find it difficult to write down your answers you can use any creative means to express your feelings about the questions.  Once you have worked out your thoughts through art, dance, music, video, audio or conversation with other, do take a few minutes to write down some words to use in the future.

What have I been unwilling to look at?

Where do I need to slow down to give myself time to make a change?

What do I need for motivation to move forward?

What situation am I trying to control?

Why do I need to change?

Where do I feel powerless?

What emotions does this bring forward?

Where am I courageous?

What action do I need to take?

Who can help support me?

What is the first step to move forward?

How can I convince myself to take this step?

What path do I want to take?

Where do I need to be careful?

You can't move in the right direction if you don't know where you want to go so please take time regularly to consider what path you want to take.  

If you want help to journal your thoughts each week do check out my New 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth on Amazon: http://a.co/jiCPjoL   I hope you will journey with me throughout the next year.

Take care,

Jessica Cross

Friday, November 18, 2016

Free 2017 Journal: Gratitude to Growth

The 2017 Journal: Growth to Gratitude is available for FREE on November 18 - November 20, 2016.
You can't follow the right path if you don't know where you want to go!

I hope you enjoy it and will journey with me all year.

Take time for yourself,

Jessica Cross, LCSW

Monday, November 14, 2016

Meditation with Owl - Enjoy the Present

Picture by Kevin Jones

Thank you so much for allowing me to share these meditations with you.  I needed this one today more than anyone else!  I often have a hard time staying in the present and it was so good to have the reminder.

Read through the following meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Let the meditation unfold however it needs to for you.  It may be very different from mine, but I would love to hear where you go in the comments.

Meditation: Owl

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  Find yourself walking down a path towards a mountain range in the distance.  The sun is slowly setting behind the mountains and it is beautiful.  You wonder what you will do when it is completely dark.  You have no provisions to stay the night and there is not much around to use as shelter.

You feel a bit of panic in your stomach and decide to walk off the path to see if you can find something for shelter.  As you walk you hear the birds quiet down and a chill come into the air.  You are now feeling a bit scared and wonder what you will do if you don't find something to help keep you warm soon.  

Up ahead you see an owl on a tree stump who seems to be waiting for you.  As you get near, the owl does not fly away but just continues to wait.  You crouch down to look the owl in the eyes. The Owl shakes it's head, looking down as if disappointed in you. 
When the owl raises it's eyes you look into their yellow light and know you will be taken care of by this guide.  

Greet this guide either verbally or simply through eye contact, your guide can understand you either way.  What does your guide respond to your greeting?  You may hear words, have thoughts, see pictures or colors or just have a feeling.  Take whatever is given.

The owl flies off a bit and stops, waiting for you to follow.  The owl leads you to a small lean-to that is just big enough for one but is cozy inside.  There is wood for a fire laid in the pit out front and even a box with provisions inside.  

The owl informs you that although you may not be able to see what will happen, your guides are watching out for you.  You cannot predict what will occur in the future either positively or negatively, so trying to control and plan everything all the time is not the most helpful use of time. Plan what you can and expect to be surprised. Do not let planning for the future prevent you from enjoying the beautiful sunset ahead of you as well.

Thank owl for it's guidance as you get comfortable and warm in the lean-to.  Enjoy the sunset and the warmth of the fire.  Relax and enjoy the peace and joy of being cared for by your guides.

When you are ready, hear the sounds around your physical body. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.

What did you learn?

What do you try to control too hard to open up to other opportunities?

When do you miss the present because you are too focused on the future?

If you enjoy these meditations you can experience more with the Free Shadow Work Journal.  This will give you 7 guided meditations to access the parts of your psyche that you may try to ignore: https://gum.co/fnek

Thank you for taking this Journey with me, Jessica Cross

Monday, November 7, 2016

Traveling Deep Within - Messages for Change

picture by InSapphoWeTrust

It is the time of going deep within for transformation.  Read through the meditation and then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Go whereever your meditation leads you as you will be guided on your own path.  Do let me know where your cavern leads in the comments, I am always curious how differently each of our meditations unfold.

Relaxation Brain Training - Find out More

Meditation: Cavern River

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.  Find yourself at the edge of a cave.  The cave is large.  How do you feel about entering this large space? As you decide if you will enter, a guide walks out of the cave towards you.  If this is a new guide for you, you can ask their name.  

Your guide takes you by the hand and leads you into the cave just a bit.  As your eyes adjust to the darkness, your guide tells you that you are safe, but need to feel a bit of discomfort for the transformation that is coming.  

Your guide walks quickly ahead of you further into the darkness. You have to walk fast to keep up, as you fear you will lose sight of your guide in the dark.  This means you occasionally scrape against the walls of the cave or stumble on the path.  It seems like you are walking a long time as you struggle to keep up with your guide.  

Your guide finally stops walking and turns you towards the room you are walking through.  You are on a ledge above an underground river. The sound of the water is far below you but you are a bit disoriented in the dark.  Light streams in from above in small pockets.  You are a bit distressed by how narrow the ledge is that you have been hurrying on with your guide.

Your guide continues to walk but at a slower pace now.  You listen to the water and with the echoing of the cavern you begin to hear voices in the sound of the water.  You can't quite make out what they are saying.  

Your guide then sits down on a natural bench in the wall of the cavern and motions for you to sit as well.  Once you sit you listen again to the voices and this time you can hear what they are saying. It may just be a sound or a word repeated, or you may hear a full sentence or conversation between the voices in the water.

After you have listened you can ask your guide for further insight on what you have heard.  After speaking with your guide, your guide rises and continues to walk along the path.  The way becomes lighter and soon you are at another exit to the cave, very close to the cavern with the river.  After you exit you ask your guide why you didn't just enter this way.  Your guide states that you would not have heard the voices if you had simply entered in the light from this direction.

Thank your guide for their help and support.  Walk away from the cave and begin to hear the sounds around your physical body.  Feel where you are sitting or lying down and wiggle your fingers and toes.  When you are ready, open your eyes.

Now it is time to really think about what you have learned before you lose it in the hustle and bustle of daily life.  Use a journal to write the answers to the following or speak the answers aloud with others or just with yourself.

What did you learn?

Are you currently going through any trials to learn a lesson?

What lesson is there to learn in your current situation?

Let me know what you learn in the comments!

If you enjoy these meditations you can experience more with the Free Shadow Work Journal.  This will give you 7 guided meditations to access the parts of your psyche that you may try to ignore: https://gum.co/fnek 

Take very good care of yourself, Jessica Cross

Monday, October 31, 2016

November Guide 2016 - Evaluation Time

Happy Halloween/Samhain!

In November we are still in a time of introspection.  What needs to change in your life and what are you ready to let go of?  It is time to look at what we no longer want with us in 2017.  

Take a good look at what you have accomplished so far this year.  

Have things unfolded the way you expected them too?  

Are there tweaks you can make in your game plan to make next year better?  

What new directions do you want to go in 2017?

This is not yet the time of intention setting for the new year but a time to look back and evaluate what has happened this year.  Start your brain percolating on what you want in the future so that your plan for next year becomes obvious.  You may find that what you are ready to leave behind is very clear at the beginning of the month.




Time to Let Go


Sorrow is Ending


A Natural Ending


Take the Support Given


Take advantage of this Knowledge


Finalize your Arrangements


You need to Look Ahead


Focus on your Work


Say No to What you Can


Collaborate with Others


Look Inward for Guidance


Watch for a Gift


Enjoy this Contentment


Don’t let Fear Stop You


Keep Calm and Persevere


Complete your Responsibilities


Can you Organize this Better?


Your Vision Should Clear.


What do you Need to Do?


Find a New Perspective


Make a Decision Wisely


Don’t Misinterpret what is Said


Use this Passionate Energy


Use Your Intuition to Decide


Be Patient and Methodical


Your Energy will Shift


Do not Give In to Bitter Feelings


Keep projects from Taking Over


Create Quickly Today


Do Something Differently

Take some time out to set your intentions for the month of November.  Check how you can work with the energies of each day to make things easier.  Most importantly take care of yourself this month.

If you would like more guidance for the energies of this time, sign up to download the Free Shadow Work Journal and enjoy the guided meditations provided: https://gum.co/fnek

Take Very Good Care of Yourself,

Jessica Cross