Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Guided Meditations for Beginners -

I have read all the articles and studies on why it is so beneficial to meditate!  I know it is something I need in my life and I tried meditating for years.  

I would be really good for a few weeks and then slowly it would slip away.  I would try to meditate for 30 minutes a day and it always felt like another task I was adding to my list.  Again, I would stick with it for a while and then the chore of it would get to me and I would stop.  

Determined to incorporate meditation into my life, because I did feel better when I meditated and I knew it was good for me, I looked for an alternative to the meditation I had been doing.  

I have always created guided meditations for others in my life. Whether it was a group I was counseling or other massage students or clients. I decided to start putting that ability to create visualizations to work for myself.  

In the beginning I would plan out a meditation before closing my eyes, but quickly I found that visualizations just came to me while in meditation.  This changed my life.

I couldn't wait to go into meditation!  A half hour would fly by and sometimes I would end up meditating a few times a day I loved it so much.  I found so much clarity and motivation through meditation and it gave me a perspective on the world that almost entirely removed my natural anxiety.  

These guided meditations were so beneficial for me, I wanted to share them with my tribe.  I started writing down my meditations after I completed them and sharing them in workshops and books.  

This book above Guided Meditation for Beginners was one of the first group of meditations I shared in a workshop.  It was the perfect place to start and I hope these guided visualization help you to find the joy in meditating that I have.  This Kindle book is a quick read at only 37 pages and will help you get started quickly. As a result it is also only 99 cents, and that seems awesome for something that could change your life. 

If you prefer to listen to these meditations the CD is also available on Amazon or Mp3's for Download HERE.  My sincere hope is to that you will have the same experience I have with these kinds of meditations.  If I help you reduce your anxiety and stress even once, I have done my job.

Relax and take good care of yourself,

Jessica Cross

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Secret Stress Cure -

If you have ever experienced stress or anxiety you need to try ASMR for yourself.  ASMR is a relaxation technique that is becoming more and more popular.  Like anything creative (movies, art, music) there may be some ASMR recordings and videos that are too weird for you, but just like the other examples noted, that doesn't mean you should give up on all ASMR.  

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and it is a wonderful relaxation tool because it is so easily accessible. Relaxing ASMR recordings or videos can be downloaded to your phone and you can listen with headphones for privacy.  This gives you the ability to relax quickly anytime.  A five minute break at work with your phone can help you face the rest of the day

Click the video above to try ASMR if you are new to this type of relaxation or as a chance to relax right now.  If this video does not relax you, don't give up.  Many people have different sounds and voices that help them relax.  Get access to my private ASMR video favorites playlist, with lots of different ASMR creators HERE: None of these videos are mine so if you like the video above check out more on my Channel and Subscribe to get all of my upcoming ASMR and Meditation videos:

Take good care of yourself and make time to relax!

Jessica Cross