Monday, July 24, 2017

Find Your Path

This New Moon is about starting on a new journey.  Finding a new area to learn, expand and/or create.  This new moon should give you the energy to start over in some area of your life.  Use this guided meditation to contemplate where you would like to use that energy.

Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.  Find yourself standing in front of a tube of energy.  What does the energy look like to you?  What color is it?  Is it solid or does it have openings throughout the tunnel?  The tunnel is large enough for a person to walk through.

How do you feel being near the tunnel?  Place your hands on the energy the tunnel is made of.  What does it feel like?  How does it make you feel?

This is a tunnel of power.  By walking through it you can start building a new attribute inside yourself.  When you walk out the other end it won’t be fully formed but will start growing.  What skill, feeling, trait or understanding would you like to have more of?

Once you are certain of the attribute you have chosen, bend over slightly and enter the tunnel.  How does it feel being inside the tunnel? What does it feel like to be surrounded by all that energy? Walk slowly and give the energy time to penetrate all of the cells in your body.

Walk out of the tunnel and see how you feel.  Think of the attribute you have chosen.  Why is this something you want more of in your life?

What might be the first sign that this new attribute had started to grow? How would you act differently?  How would you think differently?  What would look different in your life?  Remember, this is just the beginning of this change so what you see may be small.

Take a few more deep breaths and feel how you are different.  It may be a very slight change but it can grow if it is nurtured.  Feel this change settle into your body and allow it to nestle in deep so it can continue to grow. 

When you feel ready you can return to your physical body.  Hear the sounds around you.  Wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.

Take some notes so you do not forget this meditation and can check back on the progress of your attribute.

Does change have a physical feeling for you?

Is there something that you have wanted to cultivate in your life?

How would you know if this was just starting to grow in your life?

What do you think this change would bring you?

Can you have the patience to nurture something that may take a long time to become fully formed?

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