Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Information do You Need? -

I teach guided meditation because it works for me and the people in my workshops.  Guided meditations help me persevere when life gets tough and look at a situation with a new perspective. 

This is the time of a Solar eclipse and you can use this energy in meditation to figure out where you need more information and what you need to change.

Try this meditation now and see how your attitude changes.  Read through this meditation, then close your eyes and remember what you can.  Go wherever your intuition takes you in meditation and use this script as a jumping off point.
Solar Eclipse Meditation

Take three deep breaths.  See yourself walking down a stone path. Are you wearing shoes or are you barefoot?  Walk slowly on this path barely placing your heal past the toes of your other foot. Breath deeply as you walk.  Look down at the stone path and focus on the colors of the stone and the slow pace of your walking.

As you walk slowly the path widens and soon you hear the sound of steps behind you. As you continue to look down you soon notice that your feet are joined by another pair of feet walking along side you. A guide has come to join you on your path.  

If you feel comfortable with this guide you may take their hand and walk along together.  Feel the love of this guide as they have come to support you on your journey.  

Ask your guide what you need to know to continue to move forward. Your guide may answer you in words or you may get thoughts or feelings as an answer.  If it feels like it is your own voice or feelings that are answering do not push that answer away.  Your intuition can also talk to you in your own voice.  

Continue to walk slowly and receive any information you need from your guide. You may ask any other questions that come to mind and see what you receive.  When you are ready, thank your guide and continue to walk forward as your guide stops walking for now.  

You may now drift off to sleep and may receive more insights in dreams, or wiggle your fingers and toes and hear the sounds around your physical body. When you are ready open your eyes.

It is simple but it can totally change your day.  Write down any insights you received so you can look back at them and remember this feeling throughout your day.


What did you learn?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the first step you can take?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who can help you? (in person, online - facebook, blog, video, or a guide in meditation)?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you enjoy these meditations join me online for seven weeks of relaxation tools and meditations to change your stress levels for good: Find out More

Take care,

Jessica Cross

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